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Cell & Virus Logistics Research Laboratory



전영수 Jun, Youngsoo
  • LAB NAMECellular Logistics and Aging Research Laboratory세포로지스틱스 및 세포노화 연구실
  • E-MAILjunys@gist.ac.kr
  • TEL062-715-2510
  • WEBSITE http://clar.gist.ac.kr/


  • 2007: Doctor of Philosophy, Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH
  • (Thesis: Biochemical Characterization of Yeast Vacuole Docking, Hemifusion, and Fusion,
  • Thesis advisor: William T. Wickner)
  • 2000: Master of Science, Korea University, Seoul, South Korea.
  • (Thesis: Effects of Human Cytomegalovirus US proteins on Non-classical MHC Class I
  • Molecules-mediated Antigen Presentation, Thesis advisor: Kwangseog Ahn)
  • 1997: Bachelor of Science, Korea University, Seoul, South Korea


  • 2019-present: Professor, Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology (GIST), School of
  • Life Sciences
  • 2016-present: Director, Cell Logistics Research Center at GIST (Advanced Research
  • Center funded by National Research Foundation of Korea)
  • 2018-2019: Visiting Associate Professor Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth,
  • Department of Biochemistry and Cell Biology GIST
  • 2014-2019: Associate Professor, Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology (GIST),
  • School of Life Sciences
  • 2009-2014: Assistant Professor, Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology (GIST),
  • School of Life Sciences
  • 2008-2009: Postdoctoral fellow, Laboratory of Dr. Kwangseog Ahn, Seoul National
  • University, Department of Biological Sciencies
  • 2007-2008: Postdoctoral fellow, Laboratory of Dr. David Bilder, University of California at
  • Berkeley, Department of Molecular and Cell Biology
  • 2007: Postdoctoral fellow, Laboratory of Dr. William T. Wickner, Dartmouth Medical
  • School, Department of Biochemistry.
  • 2000-2001: Research Associate, Laboratory of Dr. Kwangseog Ahn, Korea University
  • Graduate School of Life Sciences and Biotechnology


  • Commendation from Minister of Ministry of Science, ICT and Future Planning of Korea, 2016
  • The Blue Ribbon Lecture Award, the Korean Society for Molecular and Cellular Biology,
  • 2011
  • E. Lucile Smith Award for Excellence in Biochemistry, Department of Biochemistry,
  • Dartmouth Medical School, 2006


  • Youngsoo Jun (2019) An in vitro assay of trans-SNARE complex formation during yeast
  • vacuole fusion using epitope tag-free SNAREs. Methods in Molecular Biology, 1860:277-
  • 288
  • Miriam Lee, Yeojin Moon, Sanghwa Lee, Changwook Lee, and Youngsoo Jun (2019)
  • Ergosterol interacts with Sey1p to promote atlastin-mediated endoplasmic reticulum membrane
  • fusion in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. FASEB Journal, 33:3590
  • Kim HR, Mun Y, Lee KS, Park YJ, Park JS, Park JH, Jeon BN, Kim CH, Youngsoo Jun, Hyun
  • YM, Lee SM, Park CS, Im SH, Jun CD (2018) T cell microvilli constitute immunological
  • synaptosomes that carry messages to antigen-presenting cells. Nature Communications,
  • 9:3630
  • Kim HR, Kwon MS, Lee S, Mun Y, Lee KS, Kim CH, Na BR, Kim BNR, Piragyte I, Lee HS,
  • Youngsoo Jun, Jin MS, Hyun YM, Jung HS, Mun JY, Jun CD (2018) TAGLN2 polymerizes Gactin
  • in a low ionic state but blocks Arp2/3-nucleated actin branching in physiological conditions.
  • Scientific Reports, 8:5503
  • Hanbin Jeong, Jumi Park, Youngsoo Jun, and Changwook Lee (2017) Crystal structures of
  • Mmm1 and Mdm12-Mmm1 reveal mechanistic insight into phospholipid trafficking at ERmitochondria
  • contact sites. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 114:E9502-9511
  • Kyung Tae Kim, Yeojin Moon, Yunsu Jang, Kang Taek Lee, Changwook Lee, Youngsoo Jun*,
  • and Sanghwa Lee* (2017) Molecular mechanisms of atlastin-mediated ER membrane fusion
  • revealed by a FRET-based single-vesicle fusion assay. Scientific Reports 7:8700. *Co-corresponding authors
  • Hanbin Jeong, Jumi Park, Hye-In Kim, Miriam Lee, Young-Joon Ko, Sanghwa Lee, Youngsoo
  • Jun*, and Changwook Lee* (2017) Mechanistic insight into the nucleus-vacuole junction based
  • on the Vac8p-Nvj1p crystal structure. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 114:E4539-E4548.*Cocorresponding
  • authors
  • Vipul Gurjati, Miriam Lee, Young-Joon Ko, Sangeun Lee, Daejin Kim, Hyungjun Kim, Sukmo
  • Kang, Soyoung Lee, Jinjoo Kim, Hyungsu Jeon, Sun Chang Kim, Youngsoo Jun*, and
  • Sangyong Jon* (2016) Bioengineered yeast-derived vacuoles with enhanced tissuepenetrating
  • ability for targeted cancer therapy. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 113:710-715.
  • *Co-corresponding authors
  • Hanbin Jeong, Hyo Jung Sim, Eun Kyung Song, Hakbong Lee, Sung Chul Ha, Youngsoo
  • Jun, Tae Joo Park, and Changwook Lee (2016) Crystal structure of SEL1L:Insight into the
  • roles of SLR motifs in ERAD pathway. Scientific Reports 6:20261
  • Eun Jo Do, Tae Jung Ahn, Ji Hye Lee, Jeong-Ho Park, Sun Hwa Park, Tong Mook Kang,
  • Hana Cho, Tae Jin Kim, Hyung-Wook Kim, Youngsoo Jun, Hee Jae Lee, Young Sik Lee,
  • Jae Young Kwon, and KyeongJin Kang (2016) TrpA1 regulates defecation of food-borne
  • pathogens under the control of the duox pathway. PLOS genetics 12:e1005773.
  • Miriam Lee*, Young-Joon Ko*, Yeojin Moon, Minsoo Han, Hyung-Wook Kim, Sung Haeng
  • Lee, KyeongJin Kang, and Youngsoo Jun (2015) SNAREs support atlastin-mediated
  • homotypic ER fusion in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The Journal of Cell Biology. 210:451-
  • 470 (Selected as a significant article for “In This Issue”) *Co-first authors
  • Young-Joon Ko*, Miriam Lee*, KyeongJin Kang, Woo Keun Song, and Youngsoo Jun
  • (2014) In vitro assay using engineered yeast vacuoles for neuronal SNARE-mediated
  • membrane fusion. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 111:7677-7682. *Co-first authors
  • Sunglim Cho, Bo-Young Kim, Kwangseog Ahn, and Youngsoo Jun (2013) The C-terminal
  • amino acid of the MHC-I heavy chain is critical for binding to Derlin-1 in human
  • cytomegalovirus US11-induced MHC-I degradation. PLoS One 8:e72356.
  • Sunglim Cho, Miriam Lee, and Youngsoo Jun (2013) Forced interaction of cell surface
  • proteins with Derlin-1 in the endoplasmic reticulum is sufficient to induce their dislocation into
  • the cytosol for degradation. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun 430:787-792.
  • Hao Xu, Michael Zick, William T. Wickner, and Youngsoo Jun (2011) A lipid-anchored
  • SNARE supports membrane fusion. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 108:17325-17330.
  • Sunglim Cho and Youngsoo Jun (2011) Human CD1d molecules are resistant to human
  • cytomegalovirus US2- and US11-mediated degradation. Biochem. Biophys. Res.
  • Commun., 413:616-622.
  • Sunglim Cho, Jeongmin Ryoo, Youngsoo Jun*, and Kwangseog Ahn* (2011) Receptormediated
  • ER export of human MHC class I molecules is regulated by the C-terminal single
  • amino acid. Traffic, 12:42-55 *Co-corresponding authors.
  • Hao Xu, Youngsoo Jun, Thompson J, Yates J, and William Wickner (2010) HOPS prevents
  • the disassembly of trans-SNARE complexes by Sec17p/Sec18p during membrane fusion.
  • The EMBO Journal, 29:1948-1960
  • Joji Mima, Christopher M. Hickey, Hao Xu, Youngsoo Jun, and William Wickner (2008)
  • Reconstituted membrane fusion requires regulatory lipids, SNAREs, and synergistic SNARE
  • chaperones. The EMBO Journal, 27:2031-2042
  • Youngsoo Jun, Hao Xu, and William Wickner. (2007) The addition of Sec18p (NSF) and the
  • soluble SNARE Vam7p allows a lipid-anchored R-SNARE to support yeast vacuole fusion.
  • The EMBO Journal, 26:4935-4945.
  • Vincent Starai*, Youngsoo Jun*, and William Wickner. (2007) Excess Vacuolar SNAREs
  • Drive Lysis and Rab-bypass Fusion. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 104:13551-13558. *Cofirst
  • authors. (Feature Article, Direct Submission) - Rated “Exceptional” by the Faculty of
  • 1000
  • Youngsoo Jun and William Wickner. (2007) New Assays of Vacuole Fusion Resolve the
  • Stages of Docking, Lipid Mixing, and Content Mixing. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA,
  • 104:13010-13015. (Direct Submission)
  • Youngsoo Jun, Naomi Thorngren, Vincent Starai, Rutilio A. Fratti, Kevin Collins, and William
  • Wickner. (2006) Reversible, Cooperative Reactions of Yeast Vacuole Docking. The EMBO
  • Journal, 25:5260-5269.
  • Youngsoo Jun, Rutilio A. Fratti, and William Wickner. (2004) Diacylglycerol and its
  • Formation by Phospholipase C Regulate Rab- and SNARE-dependent Yeast Vacuole
  • Fusion. The Journal of Biological Chemistry, 279:53186-53195.
  • Rutilio A. Fratti, Youngsoo Jun, Alexy J. Merz, Nathan Margolis, and William Wickner.
  • (2004) Interdependent Assembly of Specific Regulatory Lipids and Membrane Fusion
  • Proteins into the Vertex Ring Domain of Docked Vacuoles. Journal of Cell Biology,
  • 167:1087-1098.
  • Youngsoo Jun, Eunok Kim, Mirim Jin, Ha Chin Sung, Hoon Han, Daniel E. Geraghty, and
  • Kwangseog Ahn. (2000) Human Cytomegalovirus Gene Products US3 and US6 DownRegulate
  • Trophoblast Class I MHC Molecules. The Journal of Immunology, 164:805-811.
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